Photo of Jonathan H. Ferry

Jon Ferry brings his substantial experience as a federal prosecutor to assisting clients in False Claims Act litigation, government investigations and other enforcement actions, internal risk analysis and internal investigations.

Jon served as Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina for over seven years. As the head of the Affirmative Civil Enforcement (ACE) program and the Healthcare Fraud Coordinator for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Jon led and supervised numerous investigations in the areas of healthcare, financial services and other complex frauds. He has significant experience with the False Claims Act and other whistleblower actions, healthcare regulations (including the Anti-Kickback Statute and Stark Law), the Food Drugs and Cosmetics Act, and the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA).

As in recent years, the False Claims Act (FCA) continued to serve as a tool utilized by the federal government against government contractors in 2024. The government collected more than $2.9 billion as a result of 558 FCA settlements and judgments. Although procurement fraud was not as large a driver of the government’s recoveries as

As with recent years, government contractors were the target of many False Claims Act (FCA) investigations, settlements, and judgments in 2022. Notably, an area that the federal government was particularly focused on this year was fraud as it relates to the federal government’s pandemic relief programs. The government’s efforts to uncover and recover from cases

As in recent years, the False Claims Act (“FCA”) continued to serve as a primary tool utilized by the federal government against government contractors in 2021. The government collected more than $150 million in matters involving the government’s purchase of goods and services, including allegations related to the procurement process, failing to comply with contract

Hold Those Forms: AGC Announcement Raises Doubts on PPP Questionnaire

The Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Necessity Questionnaire may soon be a thing of the past. Last fall the SBA began requiring lenders to provide certain questionnaires to PPP borrowers that received loans of $2 million or more. The questionnaire was meant to help assess the veracity of a borrower’s certification that

The False Claims Act in 2020: A Government Enforcement UpdateThe False Claims Act (“FCA”) continued to serve as one of the primary tools utilized by the federal government against government contractors in 2020. One of the key areas that the government focused on this past year was procurement fraud, collecting more than $100 million from government contractors for fraud involving the government’s purchase of